Chelsea McNutt
( She/Her/Hers )Chelsea has been at SF State in various roles since 2010. As an SF State graduate who worked full-time while attending school and participated in the Metro College Success Program, Chelsea is delighted to support Child & Adolescent Development (CAD) students and faculty. Chelsea has experience working directly with children and families as a preschool teacher and providing support services to the early childhood education workforce, college students, and faculty through grant-funded programs in San Francisco. In addition to being CAD staff, Chelsea has taught CAD 120 Child Development, Social Justice, and Academic Success and CAD 300 Professional Roles and Careers in Child & Adolescent Development. Chelsea loves to spend time with her dog Ruby, connect with nature, and eat bread!
Educational Background
Master of Public Administration (MPA), San Francisco State University
B.A. Child and Adolescent Development: Early Childhood, San Francisco State University