Soyeon Park takes leadership role in early childhood higher education group

Professor and Chair of Child and Adolescent Development Soyeon Park has been working over the past four years with Partnership for Education, Articulation and Collaboration through Higher Education (PEACH), a cross-sector Early Childhood Higher Education group committed to strengthening the experiences for children from birth through age 8 by preparing a qualified Early Childhood Education workforce. She has taken a leadership role in the professional development workgroup in Northern California and is a Statewide Steering Committee member. Park has co-led several regional meetings with higher education faculty in Northern California (Region 4) last fall and reported the results at the Statewide Cross-Sector Early Childhood Higher Education Collaborative Convening held on December 13. After the convening, Park and other steering committee members participated in a two-day training of Early Childhood Higher Education Collaborative Communities of Practice Institute. The institute provided the participants with an in-depth professional development experience focused on the facilitation of explicit tools specifically designed to help early childhood professionals increase effective collaboration.
Pictured: Park with Statewide Steering Committee members and the Communities of Practice Institute facilitators from School Reform Initiative